Could you care?

Is a job in care for me – could I care?

Roles in adult social care can be varied and you may think that it is not right for you – but there are opportunities for everyone!  And in many different settings too – people don’t just need looking after in care homes, and they aren’t all elderly either!  Look at our dedicated page on the different places you could work.

Why should I care?

According to the Local Government Association, over the next 10 to 15 years the population of over 55 year olds in Lincolnshire is set to increase – this will add to the already higher than national average population figures in the area with the main focus being on the over 80s age group.

With this in mind, the need for the adult social care workforce to increase is ever more urgent.

Not just a carer

Working in the sector is not just about being a carer but also supporting one another within a team and working together to provide an environment for someone’s loved one not only to feel safe and secure, but to live their life to their full potential.

Are you a stay-at-home parent looking to get back to work now your children are at school?  A bookkeeper fed up with sitting in an office with little interaction with people?  Or maybe you have been volunteering at your local animal rescue centre.  You may not think so, but there is a place for you in adult social care!

Being a stay-at-home parent is a full-time job in itself!  With a great focus of your time spent entertaining your children – planning days out; activities such as baking, painting, playing games; or engaging them in a story.  These skills could be transferred to being an Activities Co-ordinator!

All businesses have paperwork, unfortunately there is no getting away from that!  And although you may not be “getting your hands dirty” – carrying out administrative duties would provide a vital role to an organisation and you would feel the reward by simply being the person a resident could chat too for five minutes, or the listening ear at the end of a phone to a family member.

Hopefully it goes without saying that to work in social care you should have a caring nature, and although animals don’t always argue back – as an animal lover you will have learnt vital skills that you could use as a carer.  Not all communication is done verbally, body language can play a key part in ‘reading’ how someone is feeling.  Knowing when your favourite horse stamps its foot is a warning sign to back off, this will have taught you to recognise and pick out signs with the person you are caring for. 

For the latest vacancies available in Lincolnshire visit our jobs board